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Emily Carr  |   Kispiox Village  F10 -  | High-Quality Oil Painting.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Village by the Sea F6| High-Quality Oil Painting.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Village by the Sea F6   | High-Quality Oil Painting.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Village by the Sea F6  | High-Quality Oil Painting.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Village by the Sea F6  | High-Quality Oil Painting.

Emily Carr’s Kispiox Village is a poignant tribute to Indigenous culture and its deep connection with nature. This painting portrays the iconic totem poles and surrounding landscape of Kispiox Village in British Columbia, reflecting Carr’s profound respect for the cultural heritage of Canada’s First Nations.

Carr was deeply inspired by the spiritual and cultural significance of Indigenous art and the majestic landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. In Kispiox Village, her bold brushstrokes and rich, earthy tones evoke the strength and sanctity of both the land and its traditions. The painting captures a harmonious unity between nature, history, and human expression.

This work stands as a vital piece in understanding Canada’s cultural narrative and Carr’s role as an artist who sought to bridge cultural and natural worlds. Kispiox Village invites viewers to reflect on the enduring relationship between people and the landscapes they inhabit.

100% Hand-Painted
Unlike printed reproductions, this painting is meticulously hand-painted on canvas, offering a unique texture and unparalleled authenticity.

• Made in Japan
Hand-painted oil painting created with care and dedication.

Premium Quality Oil Painting
Created with carefully selected materials for a durable and timeless finish.

Perfect for Any Interior 
Ideal for both traditional Japanese and modern interiors.
Perfect as a centerpiece for  your home, office, or as a thoughtful gift.

Frame Options
Crafted with high-quality, luxurious frames. Available in several design options to choose from.

• Finishing: Includes transparent protective board, hanging string, and hanging bracket (on the back of the frame).

• As each piece is hand-painted, slight variations make every artwork unique.This is the true charm of original art.
• Dimensions may vary slightly depending on the painting’s orientation.

Each oil painting is carefully finished after receiving your order. You can also choose a frame according to your preference.

■Frame size (F10) 
Classic Gold:599×671mm
Brown:601x 675mm
Basic:601x 675mm

Domestic production Direct-finish
・oil painting
・With frame
・With a transparent protective
・board (frame)
・Hanging string
・Hanging bracket (on the back side of the frame)

※Length and width will vary depending on the orientation of the painting.

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If applicable, please pay these charges directly to the carrier or customs office. (Not included in item price) Policies regarding these taxes vary by country.

Please contact your country's customs office for more information. We are not responsible for any import taxes, duties, or other charges resulting from customs duties. We cannot control customs fees.

*For customers purchasing within Japan, all products include tax.

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Commodore Club Art

Commodore Club Art

Emily Carr - Kispiox Village F10 | Premium Hand-Painted Oil Painting

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